Alex Reddish
Studying at Vineyard College while interning was an amazing experience that helped me in ministry and everyday life. The theological study alongside practical work was where I grew the most. I learnt to understand why I was doing what I was doing and was equipped with the tools to carry out practical ministry. I now feel more confident in my leadership and my theology.
Rebecca France
I have been so pleased that through my study at Vineyard College, not only have I been able to continue in my practical ministry, but the theology and biblical papers have really strengthened me. The practical ministry goal setting and logs have also helped me to be more strategic and focused in my area so I can more effectively serve those in our congregation.
I would highly recommend Vineyard College for anyone who is passionate about growing in ministry.
Ben MacGregor
Vineyard College has been such a gift for me to go deeper into the Bible and give me fresh excitement for learning more about the Word.
I have been challenged and deeply encouraged by the amazing Vineyard College team, and I have drawn closer to Jesus through it.
Caitlin Watson
This year of study is a very worthwhile investment of time and energy that will equip you for stepping into the fullness of life as a Jesus follower.
Hamish Manning
I am grateful for the options Vineyard College has given to continue growing in the practical aspects of my work as I add depth on in my faith journey.
Simon MacGregor
Vineyard College really grounded my faith in understanding biblical truths that were always there, but where I had not properly connected the dots.
College gave me a deep understanding of the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of Jesus.
It grew my understanding for the person of God and also how I can outwork my faith practically in my profession. I am so glad I did this.